I'm like a kid in the candystore at the local market, where I spend most of my time here in Barca! Exploring local herbs and making extra healthy tea out of fresh mint, fresh ginger, cardamom, local honey and the LICORICE. I've learned so much about licorice on nutrtion courses but never had a chance to use it yet!
Now I'm bringing plenty of its root back home. It is a root that is best to use in winter time for our kidney health, according to Traditional Chinese medicine. The most amazing effects has on adrenal glands, it brings them back to life and break down the stress hormone, cortisol. So it is perfect for people with lots of stress in their life. Best way to use it is in the tea together with mint, which will also nurture our lungs and problems such as bronhitis, asthma, etc.. Just boil the root in water together with some other herbs or grind it into the tea.
I'm sooo excited! My combinations I'm going to use for teas:
Licorice & he sho wu
Licorice & ginseng or ashwaganda
Licorice & mint & cardamom