Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Never say goodbye.

Traveling is a perfect way to realise which friendships and relationships are about to survive while being away from loved ones. When you let go of someone, it doesn't mean you don't love them anymore. It means, your paths went in different directions and both will be better off on their own paths. It means you gave each other everything you needed and wanted to give to each other. It means you both learned something and benefit from the relationship. The lesson unfolded and now it's time for new things to come into your life. And maybe, just maybe, your paths will cross again at some point.

I write about letting go in my 4th chapter of Essence of life on the road, when I had to learn to say goodbye to people I loved so deeply while working or living with them in a certain country.

We suddenly live in timelessness when we are together. 
And then we unstring ourselves from this timelessness 
and each of us continues their own path. 
We don't get attached to beautiful moments, 
we let go of those moments in all their glory, 
so we are able to receive new ones. 
We never say goodbye, 
but we still carry each other in our hearts wherever we go.

My angel on Earth.

You must have heard of this quote: 

"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." P. Pan

Have a great day and love deeply.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Oh my, how time flies. This picture is exactly 8 years and 4 days old. My very first backpacking on Dec 11th 2006.

Neja, Saber & Mayita

Morocco will always hold a special place in my heart, because this was the trip when I decided I'll start to fight my fears and never bring myself down again. I strongly decided I will give myself everything I deserve and make all wishes come true. I didn't know how I'll achieve this, but at that point I knew, I will be gaining unforgettable experiances and relationships with different people. I promised myself I will open my eyes and heart to different cultures, point of views and exploring the unknown. This was the best decision in my life and would never change it. It was never easy, there was a lot of struggling and pain. Traveling is not all about the beaches, great weather and photos you share on facebook. It looks like that, but is NOT...

It's basically all about getting to know your deepest corners of your soul, fighting your biggest fears, letting go of past, learning how to love the present moment and finding out how strong you truly are.

On the picture is Neja, my first travel mate, that I feel so sorry for her, cos she had to travel with me, because at that time I was so full of fears and highly judgemental. And this handsome man is our lovely Saber, who took us on a wild journey, visiting his family all around the country. And present us the islam, which is still one of my favorites religions out there (and yea, let's not talk about the media version of it!!)

Surprise yourself with doing something new! 
Promise yourself to make your biggest wish come true!
 YOU deserve it.

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's the travelling that frees you!

Why is traveling so addictive? In my opinion it's not addictive because of all the beautiful places you see, the amazing food you try for the first time or because of lying on the beach doing nothing.

I'd say it is because traveling completely transforms you in a way you never even think it could. You're slowly letting go of prejudices of others, and as well of yourself. By observing other cultures and lifestyles you realise there are other ways to "do things" that are not necessarily the way your parents and teachers thought you. And it's OK. It's completely fine to adopt new ways of doing things. Adopt new ways of thinking and different perspectives in seeing the world around you. Traveling broaden your horizons in a way, that you truly start to believe you can achieve anything. That you're limitless and that borders are in your life just to remind you how strong you actually are to overcome them ALL! 

Beautiful people show you how to love everything around you...
and how to slowly start loving yourself as well. 
With all the good and all the bad. 
It's the travelling that frees you. 
But not necessarily the travelling around the world, 
but traveling to the core of your being. 
Get to know the WORLD and get to know YOURSELF.

And have a magnificent day and FREE yourself!
