My travels consist of two parts. Since I'm not really fond of staying in my own country and earn money here, I prefer to work abroad. It's easier for onwards travels and you spend less money rather than flying in and out of your country all the time. Basically it's not just working and earning money. It's also living in certain country, getting to know the everyday life, infiltrating among local people, their habits and their custums. Haha, it's so funny...almost every country seems perfect if you visit it for just a short period of time and do tourist-like stuff. The story differs if you actually try to live in one, suddenly you get to see the nasty and hidden sites as well. I spent 2 beautiful summers in North Carolina, USA, working as a camp counselor, unit leader, lifeguard and various instructor roles. Lived and worked in New Zealand for 5 months as an au pair. For a month I lived and work in mexican hostel as a receptionist. In March I'm throwing myself in the open again, trying to get a job around the Europe.
The second part is travelling itself. At first I was quite uptight. I did not want to travel anywhere that wasn't 3rd world country and kinda looked down on tourist spots and comercial traveling sites. But after I've grown a bit, I became more broad minded and open about everything. From time to time I do travel to more developed countries or touristic spots. If you're travelling by yourself, you often become lonely or homesick, nevertheless you always crave for a good company, long debate or just a simple chit-chat. It's really hard to find travellers or english spoken local people in the remote towns. That's why you have to travel to places where tourism gathers crowds. I won't say it fascinates me (all the touristy spots) but at least you give it a go, at the same time you spoil yourself with some awesome clubbing and meeting crazy backpackers.

But at the end, the real travelling story starts when you sleep in a room for 2$ at some local guesthouse in Laos...when you book a boatrip with local fishermen to see whales in a goast town in Sri lanka...when you get lost while bycycling in the countryside of Cambodia and locals draw you a map on the sand in order to help you out...when muslim takes you to visit his grandma's farm and you learn how to make olive oil in Morroco...when you eat churros while observing the seals in the harbour in Mexico...when they check you up for drugs on the ferry to Indonesia, because they've never seen a tourist there before... when you spend afternoon playing with local kids rather than sipping coctails...when you eat shrimps right on the street while chatting with kids making in coexsistance with roaches, leeches, mozzies and spiders...muddy rides on the motorbike throught the jungle...happy faces and enormous smiles every way you turn......shy but welcoming looks...easy worries...big hearts an beautiful souls...eternal hope to make a world a better place...BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE...people who adopt me and make me their own...people who remind me how rich the humble life is and how much you can gain when you open your heart...
Till next post, in a while crocodille
"Travelling is a brutality. It forces you to truste strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours, except the essential things - air, sleep, sreams, the sea, the sky" Ceasere Pavese