I wasn't travelling solo all the time. My overall first travel was to Morroco in 2006. I was young, unexperianced, wanting to satisfy my curiousity and looking for something new. I never had friends who'd be fond of travelling, at least not backpacking. So I looked up some travel forums, and got myself a travel mate. I visited beautiful and unspoiled Morroco with someone i barely knew. It was a great experiance so I repeated that kind of travelling and it was always a great advenure. I also traveled with my ex boyfriend and a couple of my friends, which was OK, but...that's all that was - just OK. But then, finaly that day came...the day I encouraged myself to go on the road on my own...
...and the whole perspective about travelling changed in that instant moment, travelling got a completely new meaning to me. For me, travelling represents freedom. When you're facing google map and you have the whole world to choose your next destination from. When you step out of the plane and have the whole country in front of you. You just have to pick your next step, no plans, no worries, just going with the flow. You can go where ever you want, anytime you want, without compromises and hard feelings. There's nothing and NOONE holding you back. You don't need to wait on someone because they need to use bathroom. You don't need to go from somewhere you love being, because your mate wants to leave. You don't need to deal with your mate having a bad day or argue on your next step. You can do what the hell you want to do - and that's what I call, a complete freedom! You can be YOURSELF, your real you - no yesterdays on the road. No past, no memories, just you, your backpack and infinite posibilities.
Don't get me started how people, you meet on the road care about you. They adopt you, they watch your step, help you out with any kind of problem your facing. They understand solo traveling can be hard and you need a good talk from time to time, they encourage you, they're trying to make you feel like home. They cook a delicious meal for you, take you into their house, laugh with you, show you pictures of their family and cry their heart out while telling you sad stories from civil war they survived. They take you to doctor's when you need assistance, they arrange great trips for you or get you better prices. When you're alone and away from your home for a long time, you need to share all that spare love and you need someone to whom you can confess. Not realising at first, you get yourself real friends, because those people mean so much to you while being so far from your friends and family back home. And that's how you get lifelong friends who you share some most amazing memories with. You love them so much, because they were there when you needed someone. And that's why it's so hard to say goodbye. But then again, that's why you work your way around to see them again in the future.

People think travelling alone makes you lonely and solitary. Exact the opposite! You're in the wide open and available to everyone. You attract people and they're drawn to you in some inexplicable way. Imagine travelling in pair, you always have mental support, someone to talk to and you don't seek for that while traveling. Travelling solo, you do need those things. And due to that fact you gain so many new friends and crazy adventures.
They enrich your travels. They help you to see life in different perspective. They become a part of your life. They change and transform you, and all in all they make you a better person.
Thanks to my lovely friends and families around the globe who helped me out and were there for me. As I said many times before - when you enter my life, there's no way out of it! "Goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean, I'll miss you till we meet again"
Till next time,
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