It's like every other first day, when I arrive to a new country. Loneliness striking straight to the bones. Feeling alone more than ever. I'm in completely new world and my friends and family are everywhere but here. Looking for security in people who pass by, but the fear is arising and trying to conquer every inch of my body. Yup, that's me. Scared an insecure every time I put my feet on the unknown ground.
It's not really the fear that something will happen to me. It's the fear of unknown and fear of being left alone on my trip. But gradually I find security in people I say hi to, in sincere smiles and shy looks that we exchange. You never feel completely safe, the fear is never absent. But you face it. Every single day of your trip. And that's what makes you strong and powerful. The feeling of coming out of your comfort zone once again and the feeling of controlling your emotions and fears.
Then I look around. What is there to be afraid of? I'm just as everyone else here. Race doesn't matter. Money and status don't matter. Religion doesn't matter. We're all one. We're all the same. We're simply all being human, trying to survive in this wild crazy world. The guys who are trying to sell me paintings. Pretty Latina making me smoothie. Old lady sitting on a pavement. Homeless man begging for money. Adorable baby girl smiling at me. Exhausted dog lying on the street. The tourists sipping wine. And me, walking the streets of Santo Domingo and observing these human beings. We're ALL THE SAME. We are all ONE. Living the same life. In the same Universe. Looking at the same moon every night. Struggling sometimes. Being hurt and left behind. Falling deeply in love. Trying to make a living. Trying to find a meaning. Trying to survive. So what is then to be afraid of, if we're all made of the same dough? No one is better and no one is worse. We're all the same. We are all one.
And the funny part - we're also all the same in being afraid of each other.