Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gruzijska kmečka solata

Ker ravno fotografiram še zadnje slikice za knjigo, pa za vse moje MOTO Kavkaz udeležence (no pa tudi za vse ostale) delim super enostaven recept za zares slastno in osvežilno solato, "peasant salad", ki jo v Gruziji z vsem gostoljubjem, ki ga domačini pripomorejo, postrežejo v vsakem domu.

- 1 kumara
- 8 češnjevih paradižnikov (ali en velik paradižnik)
- 1 manjša čebula
- orehov namaz (zdrobljeni orehi, olivno olje, sol)
- veliko peteršilja in bazilike

Zraven pa ne pozabite na kakšno dobro domače rdeče vino , ki je v Gruziji znak državne identitete in gostoljubja. Gruzija je namreč najstarejše vinorodno območje na svetu in ni vrag, da se kozarček žlahtnega ne bi bil podal k tem dobrotam. Aja pa kakšen bel sir tudi noro paše zraven. Njami!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

You don't have to run. Just GO.

I remember 2,5 years ago, sitting on the beautiful sandy beach of Puerto Rico, watching small waves break on the Ocean, that was covered with sunset light. Talking to amazing person I just randomly ran into. I was confused and overwhelmed by my chaotic life, since I was traveling to a different continent every 2-3 months and working in so many different places. I was running low on my energy, focus and mental strength. He said to me: »Maja, maybe it's time to settle down for a while and just put all this experiences together.« It wasn't the right time back then, but it is the right time now. Thank you Carlos for all the wise words you've given me.

I don't know if my two books will be good enough and well accepted. I don't even know if anyone will want to buy them. But I know this! They are my books, my passion and my love for traveling, all my life in written words, filled with hope and strength that got me to where I am today. They are real, with real people and real life situations.

While writing a book, it has a lot to do with self-doubt, with fear of rejection anf fear of failure. It's about letting go of these thoughts and embracing new ones. Optimism, strength and having fun with everything you do. Writting my first book was a huge therapy for me, that's why it took me so long to finish it. Writting the second one is more about: "I've done it the right way. My life is finaly getting some sense now. It's all good. It's where I am suppost to be".

If you're not sure where you stand right now, keep on going. 
You don't have to run, just GO. 
The moment will show up and will let you know you're on the right path. 
It's all good.