Thursday, September 20, 2012

New way of seeing things

 I love this emotional moments just before I settle my horses for the next adventure. Moments, when I reminisce the good times on the road, when I feel sad for leaving my home again, but looking forward for the upcoming adventures and people I'll meet.

It's never easy to go, but hey, it definitely became easier through the years. I believe in myself more and more and I know that whatever I'll get myself into I'll definitely benefit from. Few people have asked me, how I know it will always turn out the best for me. I just know! I trust myself, my judgement and my power. I know I'll take up the next challenge that's coming my way. Also I know, when I'll screw up or things won't go my way, I'll accept that and bring only the best out of the experience. I don't mind making mistakes or wrong decisions. Because in the end you realise they were the right decisions, they led you to something better and bigger in life. 

I don't plan my life as much as I was. I truly go with the flow more and more. I let everyone and everything in my life and accept it as it is. Life is easier that way. How bad can it really be? Everything passes eventually and in the end turns into a great story. "Are you not afraid?" they would ask me. Of what? The world is not dangerous (well it is, according to the news). I have faith and I believe every day something great awaits me. And usually it does, also because you're more aware and cherish the little things. And if I meet someone who's not a good person, who will hurt me? Hurt me if you want, I'll survive. In life you realise that the only time people can hurt you when you let them hurt you.

I learned how to be emotional detached, so I have all the emotions under control, and I don't get overwhelmed too often and consequently take better decisions, which are not based on my emotions. I'm improving myself with concentration and doing things 100% and finish what I've  started. The most I improved  myself in clearing out my head and not over thinking things that don't need my attention anymore. When I'm done with certain thing, I make a closure and stop analyzing. I've learned how to stop thoughts going through my mind, when unnecessary. It helps a lot. Because you can focus more on the things that need your focus, instead of over thinking and analyzing every single thought or situation. 

So yeah. I'm so ready for my next backpacking adventure. I love how's my backpack losing its weight with every travel. I just don't need that much stuff anymore. Just few t-shirts, shorts, some meds and basic toiletries. No need for anything else. It's never about the material. I don't travel because I need a vacation, would go to a 5 star hotel, eat in a fancy restaurant and do whole lot of shopping. I don't need that in my life. And people said, money will change me, that when I'll come from yacht, I'll definitely go on a luxury vacation, and I backpacked just cos I never had money to afford better. Yea, I did change in some way. I realized even more, how money can never make you happy. OK, it's basic, you need it for survival, but how much do you really need to be completely happy?

Where I'm going now? Who knows? I have ticket to San Juan, but who knows if I ever end up in Puerto Rico, with so many things always happening on the way. What's the plan? I will write, I will photograph, I will enjoy and I will help on my way. I will only do things that make me happy. I will try to find opportunities for my career. I will accept challenges and I will learn. As once Henry Miller said: “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

See ya later, alligator,


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